What do you want to know about the site? Below is a list of chapter numbers to help you find what you want to know.
1. The pages
2. Humour
3. How seriously to take Uncle Yeti
4. If anything on this website is useful
1. This website includes a lot of pages. Some shouldn't be taken seriously, like Uncle Yeti's Fassion
Guide and Fred, Kevin and Guy's Guide to being in the Ministrey of Defence. To navigate around the site - scroll down and
look at the bar of pages. I advise going on Dave's Guide to football or Gussy's Guide to Love.
2. Some of the Humour included in this website was written by professional idiots. Do not try this at
home - it is very unhealthy!
3. Uncle Yeti is a toxic green gorilla. Remember that! Uncle Yeti is very old, over 1,000,000,000 years
old, and can't talk very easily. If you can't talk very easily, I would advise going to Cedric, Beanie and Toby's (Toby is
mine and Gussy's son you know) guide to talking. Anyway, Uncle yeti isn't to be taken seriously, otherwise you can be credited
as insane. If you want to be credited as insane, email:
Thank you!
4. No. Nothing on this website is useful, not even Ask Brian! I have to say that few websites have useful
information upon them. If you enjoy the humour in this website however, then this website does contain useful information.
Thank you for using Ask Brian, the worst search engine in the world.