It has recently come to my attention that the mysterious IncaNet has started to take over the Internet. This is very
distressing as it means that we will get less and less visitors, and we are so close to 100, and soon we porbably will have
100 regular visitors, but that isn't the point. Aztech are moving in on us, and their wall of Pill Boxes surrounding the IncaNet
is large and impossible to breach. That's why we here at Gorillas-Uncaged have allied with the TotechNet (The inventors of
the modern horse) to try and stop people from leaving the Internet and going to the hilarious Types of Coffee section on the
IncaNet and learning about the defeat of Latte the Numidian Pansy by the entire police force of Montreal (Which miraculously
teleported to Numidia) and then when he himself got drunk by a less than happy lorry driver. REMEMBER, if you start
viewing the IncaNet, we have no idea where you live. But we can guess!
Unckey Moo Moo, Editor

We at plea that you do not even think of
visiting the IncaNet, hosted by the mysterious Bl Broadband (The word Bl spells a word pronounced like this Blair-Bull-Fish).