Hi, I'm Guy, Fred's joint Secretary. Me and Kevin both have different strengths in our work. kevin is very organised
and good at planning battles, where as I am better with defensive plans, such as the map of a castle shown above. This castle
is one of many that I have mapped out for Fred, so that he can plan defensive movements in the area around.

Some handy hints to getting yourself voted in
Hello, I'm Fred - Minister of Defensive Missile Attack and Paranormal Disturbance, or Minister
of Defence, which ever you prefer. I won a vote against the evil Jumbo Jet plane by 1 - 0, a disicive victory, and seized
title as Minister of Defensive Missile Atack and Paranormal Disturbance. This means I am in charge of protecting the world.
Before you can get voted in you have to make some strange discovery of something which is going
to invade your planet, which you will build an army to defeat it but only if you are voted in. This will make the public
feel that they have to vote you in, but if your advisary says he will counter the attack as well, then you announce that you
will counter his attack which is countering the attack of the invaders you discovered before hand.
Soon you will have won the election, and will have to start building a gigantic force to defeat
the invaders which you recently dicovered, but be careful because your political opponent who was featured in the previous
paragraph might try to counter your counter of his counter of the invading forces which you planned to counter in the first
I hope your reign goes well, Fred.
Hello, I'm Kevin, and I'm joint Secretary of the Ministry of Defensive Missile Attack and Paranormal Disturbance. I have
to help Fred to do his job better. Me and Guy make a really good team, and we'll soon become joint Supreme Secretary's of
the Ministry of Defensive Missile Attack and Paranormal Disturbance. if you want to be a Secretary, then join the Ministry
and rise through the ranks. To join the Ministry email: