Verse 1: La la la la la la la la la la. Verse 2: In the beginning, a deranged criminal
mastermind devised the Universe. On the first day he planted pritiful flowers which he thought were very nice until he noticed
that they just died and fell because he had not made ground to support them on. So he made a planet to act a criminal haven,
and as a place to plant lots of pritiful flowers. he called it the Earth. On the second day he made Seagulls - not birds,
Seagulls, which were suprisingly the criminal geniuses of the Earth, because they could steal sandwitches from anyone, even
the Criminal Genius himself, so he made a lot of other things to keep them at"bay"- ha ha ha, bay, get it? Verse 3: The others
days he had to sit through. Verse 4: 1914 years later, Germany made a very wrong move after the assanination of Arch Duke
Franz Ferdinand, which suprisingly was carried out by a bunch of bored Seagulls.
Chapter 2 of the Old Besterment
Verse 5: Once upon a time there was a man called Moses, who told Pharaoh that if he didn't let the Jews go, then he would
unleash a plague of ugly locusts and horrible serpents. Verse 6: This really hurt Pharaoh's feelings, and he started to cry
Verse 7: so Moses was put to death, and a great plague of ugly locusts and horrible serpents was never unleashed. Then, there
came a man called god, who also hurt Pharaoh's feelings, but in such a way that he couldn't cry, then he became Pharaoh, and
started telling the Jews about this lovely new land that was to be discovered, and they went off to find it. Verse 8: This
had got rid of one useless third of Egypt's population - but later the Jews did find the land God had made up, and lived there
for a long time. Verse 9: Even though the Jews did settle in the land God had made up, the Egyptians didn't know this, so
God reigned on as the Supreme Pharaoh, and grew to be very fat, until he died aged 4. Verse 10: At that time he weighed 509.8
tonnes Verse 11: that's enough to be a Sumo Wrestler maybe 5000 times over.
Chapter 3 of the Old Besterment
Verse 12: After God, a great "thinker" seized power in Egypt, declaring that it was to rise as a very small empire, which
no one really cared about. Even though he was right, some Seagulls decided to kill him , obviously just for the fun of it,
and, obviously no one could stand in the way of Seagulls Verse 13: for they ruled the skies at that time, and still do as
well as a few significant beaches. Verse 14: So, he was killed, and the Gold Kingdom fell into ruin. Many people think it
was the Old Kingdom, but the Egyptians called it the Gold Kingdom because they thought that there was some gold hidden somewhere
around there. Verse 15: Far away from Egypt - in the lands of Cake, the Jews had settled down to live respectable lives -
oh, and there was this kid called Joseph who had 12 brothers and grew up to be a goat. Verse 16: But, even further away
from Joseph the Goat, a terribly cruel empire was forming. It was known as the Seagull empire. They had control of all the
major skies, and had already flown fifteen missions to Pluto - apparently they were looking for Moonstone. The Seagull empire
lasted from 0 CL (Stand for Crime Lord) to 1914 when the First World War was declared, and the Seagulls were mainly shot in
case they were carrier pigeons.
Chapter 4 of the Old Besterment
Verse 17: Finally, the Romans took over the Jewish lands, and left the Jewish children on roof tops in the hope they would
fall off and be saved by the Criminal Geniuss Arch-Daemon, Gabrielle. The Criminal Genius hated this, because the Romans liked
proving to the Jews that God was dead, and had just been a fat Criminal sitting on a throne. Many people then changed faith
from Jew to Criminal. So we were forced to print these words in the Holy Craft Book. Verse 18: Do not test your lord, for
you will be unsuccessful. Verse 19: Pathetic isnt it. Anyway, a story. Once upon a time there was a pathetic Criminal Genius
that forced us to print some words which caused the death of over 1,000,000 Ex-Jews who tried to jump from buildings in the
hope of being saved.
Chapter 5 of the Old Besterment
Verse 20: The Ex-Jews were annoyed that if they jumped from buildings they werent saved, so they made up some
new Gods who they worshipped like Zeus. The Greeks and Romans paid a hell of a lot of money for the same names in different
languages. The Criminal Genius was loosing money fast, mainly because you had to pay to worship in his Tarmples, and no one
was going anymore. So, he sent a meteor down from his Criminal Heaven, but found that the Romans and Greeks turned to their
made up Gods for protection, and that the Ex-Jews who were now all terribly rich, just smiled and nodded as if meteors crashed
through Earths atmosphere every day, mainly because they now often did, and wiped out whole civilisations, such as the very
timid Dinosaurs. Whatever anyone may think, the Dinosaurs didnt eat meat none of them did. They all chewed on grass to produce
a paste in their mouths, which they then would swallow. Sometimes they chewed too much grass, and choked to death. Verse 21,
22, 23, 24 and 25: And so, the Old Besterment ends.
Chapter 1 of the New Bestererment
Verse 1: Years later, the Criminal Genius in the sky created two people. Verse 2: They were Super Dog and Ermentrude
the cow. Ermentrude was attacked by Super Dog, and was killed - so Super Dog went to baptise his cousin Franklin. Verse 3:
Unfortunately, the two got into a bit of a fight in the water, so Super Dog had to secure his jaws around Franklin's neck,
then dunked him in the water. Verse 4: Many Philosiphers conclude that because when Franklin came out of the water, he had
been punished for his sins by God, but they were all killed by Super Dog because everybody at that time knew that God had
been a Pharaoh who died very fat.

Chapter 2 of the New Bestererment
Verse 5: The Criminal Genius in the sky was annoyed that Super Dog had killed his favourite cow, so he planned his revenge,
and he Verse 6 (Don't you just hate it when they Verses in the middle of a sentence!): reincarnated Ermentrude to fight
another day. Verse 7: The highly agile cow gave Super Dog a run for his money, but the Criminal Genius in the sky had fogotten
that Super Dog could perform miracles at will, and Ermentrude and her Meat Cleavers were defeated. Verse 8: Super Dog finally
decided to take over the world, and became the first emperor of the world. He called himself Rubber Ducky the first, because
he had recently won £800000 in a Duck Race, or "woof woof woof" as he called them.
Chapter 3 of the New Bestererment
Verse 9: The Criminal Genius needed help to defeat the so called "perfect" dog. Super Dog had
killed Ermentrude and Frank the Baptist, two of the greatest servants of the Criminal Genius himself. Verse 10: The Criminal
Genius in the sky had no other option but to call on the deadliest power in the universe. Verse 11: They were . . . the Seagulls.
Verse 12: The Seagulls agreed to help, because, so far, they hadn't had a mention in the New Bestererment, so they swooped
down in a deadly air attack. Verse 13: Much blood was spilt that day and over 30000 picnic baskets were pinched, and the ground
shook as they tour ancient Eygpt apart.
Verse 14: Super Dog flew into the air to fight them, but not even the "perfect" dog could defeat
the most evil things in the universe, and he was imprisoned in a bar of freezing cold chocolate.Verse 15: This bar of
chocolate was cut into lots of little pieces and distributed in near by markets as, Meat Chocolate with essence of bird poo.
Verse 16: It sold like a treat, and soon was distributed in nearby shops, and is still sold today from shops including
all the shops in Russia and the USA. However, the chocolate is under the name of Coffee Chocolate with Hazelnut paste.
Chapter 4 of the New Bestererment
Verse 17: The Criminal Genius in the Sky decided that Seagulls would soon become too powerful
on the earth, so he created the three Us. They were Urinal, Unt and Uncle Brian. These were the strongest warriors each
beginning with the same letter, and soon they stopped the Seagulls taking over the world. Verse 18: Each of these three Us
had a different power. Urinal had the power to multiply and be weed (or Wee-ed if you're mad) into. Unt had the power to turn
into people with more sensible names, and Uncle Brian had the power to post propaganda posters everywhere. Urinal finally
died aged two, but his sons and daiughters continued to do their job, and were turned to stone. Verse 19: Unt became some
bloke called Icarus, and thought it would be clever to fly near the sun because he would be warmer, so he died. Verse 20:
Uncle Brian was the only one who survived, and he became the founder of a great campaign against socks and cruelty to Gorillas.
Verse 21: How fitting!
Chapter 5 of the New Bestererment
Verse 22: Super Dog's Trainer was furious. He was furious because his mate, the other trainer
was being worn by Super Dog when he was defeated. Verse 23: The tainted shoe skipped across the landscape to try and find
all the pieces of Coffee Chocolate with Hazelnut paste. Soon he had 5 pieces of the puzzle, but none fitted, not even the
one he had tried to eat but had spat out. Verse 24: So, the Trainer summoned up all his magical energy and created a trainer
who could find all the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Verse 25: However, his magic went wrong and he created two Super heroes, Batman and Superman,
who both co wrote the Marvel Comic. Verse 26: The Criminal Genius had the Trainer burnt to death for unleashing sucha
rubbish comic upon the world. Verse 27: And so ends the adventures of the New Bestererment.
Palms Featuring the Top 5 Palm trees
1. The Cabbage Palm: Certainly the top of the Palms, the cabbage Palm reaches a whopping 50ft at maximum.
Its bushy exterier makes it the perfect Palm, and is easy to find, if you are somewhere where you can see one. Its leaves
can sometimes reach almost 1 metre long, which is impressive even by Godly standards, as any respectable Gods will indeed
tell you. All this information hopefully shows that we didn't make it number one for its name, honest.
Palm was written by Placid, an illiterate.
1. Chinese Fan Palm: Almost as deadly as a fan of spoons, the Chinese Fan Palm is one of the most deadly
Palms of them all, except for the great Battleship the Bismarck Palm (What a chortle).