Recruit Fun:
The funnest thing about being a recruit is the very fact that you are a recruit - it's not very exciting is it? But what
do you do to have more fun? We decided that you read the Holy Craft Book, which tells you all you need to know.
Uncle Brian wants you to email your ideas for a new website page themed around one of the Gorilla menagerie, and he wants
it emailed to:
And he would like you to put the words Competition before writing the email, but he doesn't really care because he isn't
very pickey about such things. Also, he says that there might be a new game called the Brian Man being launched, so look out
- watch this spot, whatever!
Uncle Brian's Goodboy List:
Toby for being a Goodboy
Mr Fuzz for being a duck which Uncle Brian got for his Birthday
Mr Beaky for the same reason as Mr Fuzz
Santa for giving Uncle Brian presents at Christmas
Adolf Hitler for having a stupid moustache
And finally Sven the Pink for being a good boy
If you wish to be on Uncle Brians Goodboy List, please email:
Recruits should practise their duties at all times. Here is a list of duties:
1. Pulling down Uncle Sam posters (Not if you live in America)
2. Recruits shall train everyday
3. If a flagellant is spotted, tell him the plague is over (Not in parts of India where it isn't)
4. If any supporters of Adolf Hitler are found, despose of them in the usual way (i.e. role them up in a carpet and throw
them off a bridge)
Please note that none of these things are serious and we take no responsiblity if anything happens which is on this list.
If you want to practise your duties go on the Recruits Practice Page.
The list above was created by a profesional madman - don't try this at home!