Many countries are now facing many strange issues, and it is your duty to practice to stop all
this madness with floating dead people down rivers into India, where they seriously oppress Hindu's in an Undead form. This
is why, if you join you will join a new religon - Uncle Brianism. if you are an Uncle Brianist, then it is your duty to tear
down Uncle Sam posters in every country but America. Now, do your duty, go to our places of worship known as "Defendable Outposts",
which are run by the our head worshippers the "Archangels" led by the Arch-Fanatic Jim Flossbog. Go now and make your parents
proud, or at least annoyed that you have run off.
Unlce Sam posters like the one below must be torn down immiediatly in every country!
Our elite Uncle Brianist Paratroops come down from the sky to defend one of our many outposts.