In August 2003, Brian and I got married in his travel house. On December the 6th, I had a baby Gorilla, and we named
him Toby. If you want to have successful love life like me, or you just want to attract the hottest Gorillas in town then
you should read on. If you want a Gorilla as handsome as Brian (Right) well tough luck because he's a one and only! But, even
though you couldn't get another Brian, you could get a less hansome male, so, read on!
If you want an attractive male then you should know how to charm him. First, ask him out, and, put something special
on for the occasion, to make him know that even asking him out is something exciting for you. He will start to fancy you,
and will show off but only if he isn't like Brian. Brian doesn't show off because he doesn't know what to show off about.
If a male likes you, he will also show off. The dates males like most are going for a nice walk, and then picking fleas off
each other. You will start to feel special. After a few dates you can ask if he would like to marry him, unless he has already
asked that. And there you are, the guide to Gorilla love!
Recent News:
On December 23rd, me and Brian had our second son Benny. Benny is fitting in fine, and has made loads of new friends,
and has joined the now famous band, the Silent Speakers. Hopefully we'll soon be able to show a few pictures of him in action.