The First thing about being a conspicuous Crime Lord
First, you need a minion. My minion is called Little Num. In public, your minions must call you "best friend" so as not
to attraction suspision. You must also do the same thing. Blending in with crowds is the least useful Crime Lord
fact, as stated in chapter 2 of the File of Crime. A copy of the File of Crime can be found on this website. Obviously to
help um . . . all you Police Men out here - um . . . to fight Crime. See! It is easy to be conspicuous. Very conspicuous.

How to be Easily Inconspicuous (Which is bad by the way!)
As shown above, me and my "best friend" can easily blend into photos as though I wasn't a Crime lord and he wasn't my
minion.That is a promblem because we should be plainly obvious. Here's a tip - the more photos you're on, the more conspicuous
you are. Unless you are caught of course. Then there is plenty of evidence against you. There is another point about being
a Crime Lord. Don't get caught.