Gorillas Uncaged

Hugo's Guide to thinking



     Tremble before me foolish mortal, because I can think better than the sun can rise. I can calcutlate anything in an instant, for none have such a beard to stroke, or such a large brain. I invented the light bulb before Thomas Edison stole it from Joesph Swann. I knew that Britain would forge a terribley weak and feeble empire. I am the only one on this world capable of working out the square route of -1, which I'm not telling you! If you wish to think without na beard then pah! You cannot think without a beard, it is a standard requirement.
     If you wish to think with a beard, then continue reading. First, stroke your beard, and, if you don't know what stroke means, consult your beard by stroking it! Useless are those who guess at everything - when to get hitched, when to die that sort of thing , only I know the answer. Did you knowAlbert Einstein had an IQ of over 196, which he gained through a useless series of pitiful guess work. Of course you didn't foolish mortal, of course you didn't!

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