Uncle Brian's Purpose
My purpose is to free Gorillas from slavery, which includes Gorillas no longer making products such as Gorilla action
figurines, Ice Cream, Lollipops, history books on bannanas and carrots. If I have enough support all Gorillas shall be freed
from made up conditions and from made up slavery.
New Recruits (Signing up)
If you wish to join up then go to your nearest recruitment office, or email:
Gorillas-Uncaged@hotmail.com to sign up. If you want to be on Uncle Brian's Killing List then you can email
the same address and state the name you would like to be known as. Remember, the more you give, the less you get back!
Uncle Brian is a terrifying Uncle, as he points in vaguely your direction at vaguely your head, he is the most inspiring
figure the world has ever seen. Which, I must say, is quite amazing.
Uncle Brian's Killing List:
Uncle Brian's Killing List is of who may be killed in the future or is already dead - he doesn't know, he never could
get his head around history!
The Current members of the Killing List Club:
John Lennon for having a silly acsent
Franz Ferdinand for dying
Uncle Sam for liking to cannibalise young Americans (see below)
Peter Jackson for cutting out Tom Bombadil
Vladimir the Impaler for inspiring Vampire Cults
Adolf Hitler for having a stupid moustache
And finally Sven the Pink for not being a Griller
If you wish to be on Uncle Brian's Killing List, look at the section headed "New Recruits" to find out how to be on it.

The conditions some Gorillas live in are worse that the feel of a sock. Ick!

What you can see above is a drawn picture of what conditions Gorillas live in don't look like. We will have to do some
thing about it!
In America, you can see that limits are coming to an extreme as Uncle Sam annouces to young Americans that he wants to
have them for Lunch.